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The Importance of Cursive Handwriting


When was the last time you sent someone a handwritten note—not an office memo or an email, but an actual handwritten note, just because?

In 2013, The NY Daily News reported that at least 45 states no longer required public school students to learn cursive. Schools were prioritizing computer and keyboarding skills over handwriting. At the time, it seemed possible that with the rise of technology, handwriting could become a lost art, and would no longer be required by our society.

In March of 2017, Business Insider has reported that cursive is making a comeback in public schools across the nation. However, today, there is still a generation of young adults who are only familiar with printing out their words, keyboards, and texting. Owing it to the fact that during this five-year gap, some students never got the chance to learn cursive and script handwriting.

As a marketing and PR firm, we constantly emphasize the importance of not only building a brand for your business but also a brand for yourself or a personal brand. Handwritten notes and handwriting style undoubtedly play a role in how your personal brand is perceived.

Your connections—clients, acquaintances, and friends—will feel more appreciated when you include a personal touch, such as a handwritten thank you note. While a typed note or email can be duplicated and sent to the masses, a handwritten note must be tailored to each recipient and requires more attention, making it seem that much more thoughtful. Therefore, we are confident that teaching cursive to students will only benefit them in the future.

In fact, we’re making it our goal to send more handwritten notes in 2018, whether in the form of invitations, thank you notes or just dropping a line. It is a great way to follow up, and people will perceive you as more caring and personable.

Next time you go to send a “thank you” or “how are you?” email, ask yourself if a handwritten note could take its place. Start by buying a new set of cards and writing out holiday thank you notes! An attractive envelope that arrives via postal mail is a lot more memorable than an email or text message that is likely to get lost in a cluttered inbox and quickly deleted and forgotten.

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