The Future of Automobiles

Imagine planning a road trip and dreading that long drive the morning you have to leave for your vacation. Sure, driving could be fun for a couple of hours because you get involved in conversations with your passengers and jam to your favorite songs, but after a while the fun fades away. All the passengers fall asleep, and you are solely left to be focused on the road and making sure that you get to the destination safely.
Today, the technology is evolving and automobile companies are developing more features for vehicles of the future. Some of the features are designed to help the environment, but others are created to help the people who are behind the wheel. A self-driving car is the “new shiny thing” that everyone wants to have, and BMW is teaming up with Intel and Mobileye to make it possible.
According to Automotive News, Mobileye is an Israeli collision detection software maker that is both used by BMW and Tesla Motors. Intel is a U.S. chipmaker, and they are teaming up with BMW and Mobileye to create a computer-based, self-driving car to replace a human driver. It is reported that Mobileye will design cameras, sensors, and other mechanisms for the exterior of the car. This will help the self-driving cars to react to the outside environment for actions such as safely merging onto highways and changing lanes. In addition, Intel will create the car's dashboard and the features for entertainment and information systems inside the vehicle. The Intel system will manage various components of the car as well as the Mobileye software.
Currently, people are taking into consideration the innovative technology features when purchasing their cars, so automakers are required to keep up with expectations of their customers. The driver-less BMW is due to hit the roads in 2021. Would you purchase one?

Credit: Automotive News. "BMW Teams Up with Intel, Mobileye on Self-Driving Tech, Report Says". 30 June 2016.