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Branding and Rebranding


Branding is when you are a new company or non-profit and need to establish who you are. Rebranding is when you need to change or enhance your existing brand. Both branding and rebranding follow the same process, which is a team approach consisting of both The Henker Group and leaders and key staff from your business or organization. The process to brand or rebrand is a well-planned, cohesive, intensive, and high-level process.


Your brand is how your company or non-profit is perceived by its current and target audience. Your branding or rebranding initiative will elevate the awareness of your business or organization to ensure your target market(s) perceive you as you desire. The branding process also determines communication objectives and what messages will best promote your company or non-profit as a whole.


As part of the branding process, we also include a series of communications with your staff to make sure they understand the details of the process and how a rebrand will allow your business or organization to “go to the next level.” We understand that change can be hard for many so know we are with you to help guide staff through every phase of the process.


Branding and rebranding can be an exciting process and time. We will be working closely with your team and look forward to the collaboration!

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